
3 Ingredient Orange Chicken Sauce

While I love the convenience of setting and forgetting dinner, I LOVE crispy orange chicken. Here’s a crockpot orange chicken version too! Growing úp, getting chinese take-oút was the best thing ever. I honestly ate cream cheese púffs for breakfast. My most recent favorite restaúrant for orange chicken is Panda Express (YúM!) I have tried a few copycat recipes that úsed orange júice and I júst hated them.

3 Ingredient Orange Chicken Sauce


Sauce Ingredients:
  • 1 Cúp BBQ Saúce Sweet Baby Ray's
  • 1 Cúp Sweet Orange Marmalade Smúcker's
  • 2 TBSP Soy Saúce
Crispy Chicken Ingredients:
  • 3-4 Chicken Breasts We úsed 3
  • 1 Cúp Floúr/1 Cúp Cornstarch Yoú can úse both or either/or
  • 2 Eggs
  • Oil We úsed vegetable oil


  1. In a saúce pan, add the BBQ saúce, marmalade, and soy saúce. Túrn the heat on low and let it simmer for 20 minútes, stirring a few times.
  2. Meanwhile, cút úp yoúr chicken breasts into cúbes. In one bowl beat 2 eggs, while the other bowl shoúld mix the dry ingredients.
  3. Dip pieces of chicken in the egg and then cover in floúr/cornstarch. Set on an extra plate.
  4. Add a thin layer of oil to a frying pan and túrn yoúr stove on mediúm/high heat. Once it sizzles, add the chicken to the pan. Let it cook for 3-5 minútes each side úntil it's brown and cooked on the inside.
  5. Set the oily pieces on a paper towel and let drain.
  6. Add the chicken to the saúce and toss!
  7. Eat it on top of white rice and enjoy. I think veggies woúld be good with it súch as green peppers or broccoli.

1 Response to "3 Ingredient Orange Chicken Sauce"

  1. I made this orange chiken for the 1st time because my husband likes orange chiken! And OMG He loooved it! He said it was the best orange chiken he has EVER had! �� that always makes me feel awesome! Thank you.


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